Youth ages 9-18 are invited to participate in the 4-H RiverKids Program to learn basic paddling skills, water safety, and more about outdoor recreation. Our goal is to increase the use of Alabama’s waterways, increase the knowledge and awareness of environmental and resource management issues, and incorporate service projects into our fun. Read more...
The Zooteen program is designed for teens ages 13-17 years old that have an exceptional interest in animals and wildlife conservation. The Montgomery Zoo’s Education Department is looking for teens want to donate their time to the community, gain experience working with animals and the public, can work the required hours per month, and are available to work the required Read more...
Education is a top priority of the Montgomery Zoo. Programs range from a variety of topics including “Alabama Wildlife” to “‘Going, Going, Gone.” Programs may be done here at the zoo, or at another location such as a school or event. Program options include Alabama Wildlife, Animal Adaptations, Biomes of the World, Birds of Prey, Colors of Survival, Behavior and Read more...
Each miraculous step MANE’s students take would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of well-trained volunteers. Volunteers are an integral part of MANE’s programs – in fact, they are arguably at the core of all success stories. Volunteers are involved with many facets of the work at MANE and assist in a variety of ways, by leading Read more...
Bring your group to EAT South’s urban farm where farmers are ready to greet you and show you around and teach you how an urban farm is run, and what they are growing to feed their community. Option for U-Pick herbs and produce available. Read more...
The Alabama Nature Center strives to educate our community about the wonders of Alabama’s outdoors including our rich natural history and biodiversity through our conservation education programs. Let NATURE ON WHEELS visit your school or other location, be a part of your in-school field trip, come to your party, or set up an interactive display at your event. Read more...
Lanark Field Days provide fun and exciting nature-based field trip opportunities for students in grades pre-K through 12. Programs can focus on Insects, Trees, Wildlife, Water, Woods, Outdoor Adventure, and more. Activities can include: naturalist-led activities, live animal presentations, nature hikes, story time, relay race, fishing, netting, creek hikes, track casting, owl pellet dissection, canoneing, fire building, archery, orienteering, and Read more...
Museum staff provide interactive hands-on programming to school children on a wide range of natural history subsect. Participants range in age from Pre-K through high school. Programs are held at the museum, at schools, and at field sites like the Wehle Nature Center. Education programs are designed to be stand alone or purchased along with a tour of the collections. Read more...
The preserve is a 120-acre living classroom, offering students a valuable multi-sensory experience with abundant opportunities for hands-on learning. Topic areas include zoology, botany, geology, wildlife, and the world around us. The preserve includes conservation and wildlife viewing a reas, teaching gardens, live animal exhibits, hiking trails, wetland areas with boardwalks, outdoor field classrooms, pavilions, ampitheater, and a nature playground. Read more...
Auburn University offers a large variety of camps to help high school students find their passion, strengthen their skills, and shape their future. Camps include the Senior EAGLE (Exploring Agriculture & Gaining Leadership Experience) Camp, Fisheries and Aquaculture Camp, Coastal Fisheries Camp, and more! Read more...