The history of Ruffner Mountain is wild and a little weird, just like the natural world! Learn about both as we explore the mountain together. Read more...
Teen Leadership programs are a hallmark of the YMCA. We believe this is the age to join your peers and experience opportunities to deepen your interests and understanding of the importance of becoming a leader. Teens who have completed 8th grade, can apply to volunteer in one of our many day camp this summer. Volunteering at day camp teaches teens Read more...
Located on a quiet and secluded 300 acre site, 5 miles from exit 1 I-459, Camp Fletcher offers outdoor educational experiences for students in public, private and homeschools. Using the outdoor education curriculum created specifically for Camp Fletcher, we encourage students to become ecologically literate, responsible citizens, in an experiential learning environment. The program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to promote Read more...
Camp Fletcher offers a wide variety of programs for campers in grades 1-12. Our beautiful 300-acre site in McCalla, Alabama features beautiful woodlands, trails and access to shades creek. These outdoor spaces are ideal settings for programs based on the Camp Fire philosophy: an emphasis on the small group, individual attention, acceptance of differences and a loosely-structured child-centered approach. Programs Read more...
Whether you are trying to fulfill a service learning requirement, get more experience or want to learn something new, Coosa Riverkeeper is a great place to intern! Although we offer internship opportunities all year long, our summer internships are the most valuable to both the intern and our organization. Read more...
Our staff Riverkeeper (watershed patrolman and spokesman), Nelson Brooke, and executive director, Charles Scribner, give educational presentations to businesses, churches, civic organizations, schools, and other groups of all ages. This presentation — which can be delivered in-person or online — will introduce listeners to Black Warrior Riverkeeper and explain how the organization works hard to protect every citizen’s right to Read more...
Nestled on more than 80 acres of land in northwest Alabama, Maywood Christian Camp operates nine weeks throughout the summer of each year. Each week of camp is directed by a man or group of men who have a great deal of love for youth and Christian camping. here are LOTS of things to do during a week at Maywood Read more...
Senior High camps offer a week of spiritual formation and leadership development through creative worship, intentional fellowship, and outdoor adventures. Activities like rock climbing, swimming, crafts, hiking, archery, and many other favorites provide daily recreation. Campers will also participate in small groups for discussion and reflection as well as large group activities for community formation. Senior High camps provide opportunities Read more...
At Pine Ridge Day Camp, you will get to explore nature and participate in activities like archery, crafts, horse riding, canoeing, and much more. You will make new friends and get to see friends from previous summers. Going to camp is an experience you will remember for a long time. Read more...
Counselors-in-Training is limited to campers who have completed 9th grade and are at least 15 years of age. CIT will be taught the skills necessary to become future camp counselors. Read more...